I am here simply to bring you a website that will make you want to spend every dollar in your pocket. LovelyShoes.net
Asian shoes and accessories (from China I believe) at wholesale prices. Heres where they getcha: you have to spend $100 USD per order. You are getting it at a wholesale price so that makes sense, but daaammnn $100? All in all its a great deal, I mean, the amount of stuff you can get for $100 is ridiculous. I think I may be going halfves on it with a friend. I just have no money right now... thanks christmas! -_-
Just purchased some xmas gifts off of the E.L.F. website and Im really excited to see what happens... I really hope theyre good enough quality to be worth purchasing. I purchased a lot of the studio line which Ive heard good reviews about and some of their minerals. I stayed away from eyeshadows and lipsticks/glosses because I think the cheapness of the products really comes through in those types of products. Here the list!
6307 -
Bliss (soft blushed pink)
Qty: 1
84011 -
Blush Brush
Qty: 1
84002 -
Complexion Brush
Qty: 1
84007 -
Concealer Brush
Qty: 1
84008 -
Eyeshadow "C" Brush
Qty: 1
81502 -
Qty: 1
85011 -
Kabuki Face Brush
Qty: 1
7777 -
Large Red Gift Bag with White Tissue
Qty: 1
6102 -
Light Foundation (for light skin
Qty: 1
and golden undertones)
1713 -
Natural Lash Kit-Black
Qty: 2
84010 -
Small Angled Brush
Qty: 1
85017 -
Small Brush Holder
Qty: 1
84001 -
Small Smudge Brush
Qty: 1
6601 -
Qty: 1
PS: They are not for me! Boooo. I however have enough stuff like this... I purchased all of this for my darling sister who is just starting out building her makeup collection. :) I cannot wait to give all of these to her!
PPS: AS OF RIGHT NOW: Enter the coupon code "Loyal" when checking out and recieve a FREE makeup kit with your purchase! They also offer a free gift bag :D
Hi. I'm at work right now and decided to update my blog via my phone! Aahh, the wonders of 2009.
Saw these nails at walgreens and couldn't resist! They've got autumn type flowers kind of like airbrushed on the tips so I thought they would go great for Thanksgiving....
Seriously. I just wrote a fucking long ass paragraph and my phone deleted it. FUCK YOU PHONE! Over and out.
Oh. Hai. That was fun yesterday. The stache has been passed around to my sister and even to my father. Should of taken some photos of that- :P
Going shopping tomorrow at Target (sttoookkkeeedd) and am very interested in purchasing e.l.f. products. They are RIDICULOUSLY cheap. Almost TOO cheap, which makes me fear that im putting extremely cheap toxic chemicals all over my face.... I have seen a bunch of reviews on youtube about them and from what I hear, they are actually really good quality! We will see... hopefully I dont spend too much money tomorrow. :6
I got my new bag in yesterday apparently (no one told me anything!) and saw it this morning when I arrived at my home to get ready for work. I purchased it earlier in the week from www.charlotterusse.com and am very surprised how quickly it shipped. :) PS: Purchased that necklace from forever21. It just seemed to fit my mood this morning, but im really digging it for more dressed up looks too.
Earlier in the week I also purchased this bar soap from a company called "Pangea Organics". Thats actually the exact one that I ordered off Ebay (Olive Oil and Coconut). Im pretty excited to get it simply because Ive been watching so many youtube videos about these products and I really want to see if what they describe to be the "pangea experience" is true or not. They are a great company from what I have seen so far, just a bit pricey. I got my soap off Ebay for around $10 with shipping. They have a facial scrub that I would absolutely LOVE to purchase, but that shit is straight up around $30. I dont know if I can make up ANY lie to justify that amount of money spent on a facial cleanser (especially since Im big into making my own sugar facial scrubs and cleansers, for Free.)
Have you heard about this? Circle Lenses. They're a huge hit with the Asian females and are basically contact lenses that make your eyes appear bigger like a dolls eyes (or like anime eyes). ChaigYaru has a blog post detailing all of the different pairs of lenses she has, and which ones give what kind of effect. Here's also an OFFICIAL Circle Lens thread I found that has some real good info with lots of pics. They sell for about $20 on average but some of then can be way more expensive- going up to the $50 range. I know what you're thinking... probably the same thing my boyfriend is thinking... That they are just a damn waste of money. BUT LOOK HOW CUTE THEYY LOOOOKKK!!!
I really cant deny the awesomeness of the look. And I'm sure i could also justify the purchase by giving myself the "think of all the self confidence you will have" speech. Needless to say, ain't no damn contact lens going to make me feel valid as a woman, but Im sure it wouldnt hurt to throw on one night out on the town with some friends.
I'm still on the fence about em. I dont think im going to purchase them anytime soon, but they would be a pretty cool christmas gift ;) Here are a couple of places you should really check out that I have been perusing as of lately:
CharlotteRusse.com is offering FREE Shipping on Orders over $35 right now.
Ebates.com offers you rebates for shopping online! Score!
So last night my boyfriend throws call of duty on just was we're getting into bed (modern warfare) and I have shoveled off onto the computer corner. I really just wanted to watch tv and relax but hes just been OBSESSED because it just came out and its one of his top fav video games. I started surfing the Ebayz and just to get me out of his hair (im sure) he reassured me it would be a good idea to buy these products I have been eyeing for quite some time. Needless to say, I did it, and I only feel somewhat guilty for spending more money this pay period.
SKIN FOOD'S PEACH SAKE TONER!!! Yaaayyyyy and Mushroom BB Cream!!!! :D I really want the whole peach skincare line but its just too much money for me right now. I REAAALLYYY also wanted to purchase one of their power compacts! They have serious SPF and can I just say how fucking cute do they look!?
I will most likely post something about them once I start using them. I cant wait... Maybe... If I use enough of this shit, I might turn Korean :D
Wowie zowie. What a day! I planted Brussels sprouts and cauliflower even though I have no idea how they grow. We will see what happens I guess. Also: harvested TONS of oregano and some green onions too. The oregano was just getting too out of control. Aside from harvesting a bunch for friends and family, I also separated some and made two other potted oregano plants. Yes. Success.
Finished the night at Kyojin Japanese Buffet. Holy shit. These two images of my friend George pretty much sums it up:
Goodnight everyone. May your dreams be filled with asian food, art supplies, and gardening. <3 -- Posted from my iPhone
I got this image off of http://chaigyaru.com/ and fuck its perfect. When I saw this, I just got so damn happy. This is everything I want to be, am, and like doing- all at once! :D
"We spend more, but have less; we buy more, but enjoy it less. We’ve been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbor. We’ve conquered outer space, but not inner space. We’ve split the atom, but not our prejudice; we write more, but learn less; plan more, but accomplish less."
Ok, Korean skincare - awesome. With that being said, I have stumbled upon skin food. There are lots and lots of youtubers and beauty bloggers that go on and on about their BB cream. BB stands for Blemish Balm and apparently it originated in Germany. It was created by dermatologists to help patients that have gone through laser skin surgery, to soothe and regenerate their skin. Then it seems like korean celebrities got their hand on the stuff and a craze was born! Ive read rave reviews on the stuff and probably am going to grab myself one on Ebay since it seems to be the cheapest way of getting a hold on the stuff. A lot of retailers online sell it for $20+ whereas you can grab a bottle (most cases free shipping) for $11. You use it like a foundation- its got SPF protection and tons of great natural extracts to feed your skin (they have 3 diff BB creams with diff properties).
Has anyone used any other of their products?
They have a wide array of skincare products that look amazing, but I dont know anyone who has used them. Are you out there?!
Holy crap! There has been so many things I have been reading up on and checking out online recently and I must admit.. I have been neglecting this blog just a little bit.. Recently the garden has not been doing so well. Things have died, and new things have been planted and are doing.. alright I suppose. While I wait for the "winter" weather to hit down here in Miami, I have been seriously getting into makeup (even more than I already was) and really just getting down with Youtube and all its glory.
There are so many amazing beauty bloggers out there that talk about everything from makeup, skincare, clothing trends, and even tips on styling your hair! They do tons of reviews on tons of products so that you dont have to waste your time and/or money purchasing crap products.
OK! With that being said.. onto some cool shit I found on the internet... This brand is just too awesome. Not only is it marketed as being cutesy/girly/manga/anime but its products are actually really good! Theyre a Londan based brand and even though they may not have an extensive variety of stuff (yet) they offer FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE. Yes, you read correctly. Well, I almost shat my pants. I purchased the V.I.P. set and their 3-in-1 cream and I am so happy with everything! If you are interested in a review of any of the products I purchased, please leave a comment below and I will post another entry with its info.
Just purchased this solid perfume at Sephora last weekend in the scent "Stella" and WOAH. This has to be one of the best smells in the universe. If God is a woman- she would smell like this. Its $30, but lasts forever (Ive worn it everyday and it hasnt looked used at all) and what I really like is that its super portable and has a very light shimmer to it.
I dont want to make this one entry too long, so I will leave you with a bunch of awesome youtubers that really let you know whats up.
I have completely stolen this blog entry so that you may read how fucking amazing it is. I think we've all be there. You can check out her blog here.
Heres a list of Rude Ass Behavior that we all hate
1. spitting. unless you are choking to death or have accidentally ingested a foreign object, there is no excuse for spitting anywhere other than a locked bathroom. you are gross and uncivilized.
2. rageaholics. we all get pissed. this is especially true at work. but it is super lame to make everyone around you tense and uncomfortable because you can't control your crazy-ass hockey temper. if this is happening more than once a week, you need some sort of therapy or at least a damn yoga class. chill, brah.
3. hypochondriacs/the chronically "ill". ever notice how those two usually go hand-in-hand? stop bitching to me about your constant headaches and go see a fucking doctor already! it's probably not a tumor but after two weeks of your incessant hemming and hawing, i will start to wish it was. the stress you cause other people could very well manifest itself as a deadly illness so by that logic, you are a murderer. shut the fuck up already and go to a doctor so he can tell you you're not dying before your stupidity kills someone else.
4. the food critic. please keep your comments to yourself when you rob me of precious seconds of my lunch time to ask what i'm eating, only to go "EWWW" or "oh gross i HATE ___". you know what? i didn't fucking ask you for your dumbass opinion and now, not only am i insulted, but you have just let everyone within earshot know that you were raised wrong as hell and your parents probably gave up on their responsibility to bring a well-mannered adult into society before you made it to jr. high.
5. the editor. i will confess i was a repeat offender of this behavior and i have since rectified that shit. i do not have an english major and i got NO business running around correcting people's spelling and grammar. as you can see, i take great liberties myself (my rule: if you learn the rules, you can learn to break them). if you don't know the difference between there/their/they're and your/you're, you probably don't give a shit, don't appreciate me calling you out for not paying attention in junior year english comp, and my snooty comments are not going to prevent future errors. in fact, you probably kick loads of ass at math and/or science but i didn't notice because i was too busy vomitting over a misplaced apostrophe. this will never cease to irk me but being a rude-ass grammar nazi and goose-stomping all over your dicked-up sentences is a greater crime.
6. the joker. when you announce to everyone that you laughed so hard during a sad part in a movie where everyone else was blubbering, it just shows that you're an asshole that will disagree with everyone else for the sake of, well, DISAGREEING WITH EVERYONE ELSE. more than likely, you are also...
7. the most interesting person that has ever lived. don't even bother telling that story about how you saw some dude go nuts at this post office this afternoon if TMIPTHEL is around. he/she will cut you off to tell everyone how that's nothing compared to the harrowing bank robbery they lived through! did you see a barracuda when you went snorkling last weekend in the keys? well he fought a fucking great white with his bare hands. and won. you can't win. the only reason to keep inviting these fools anywhere is so later on you guys can laugh at all the outrageous bullshit they had to sputter out to convince everyone that they are still interesting.
I awoke this morning at 7 am to go pick up Jill (Jon's sister) at the airport this morning. Shes back home now for a month before she goes back up to New York for school. Half asleep- laughing the whole car ride- ate at cracker barrel (holyshitdelicious) made it home 15 min before I had to go to work. Power Nap! Then off to work.
I drew up some super cool shit today at work but I miss hanging out with them so bad! Eating- patrolling the streets of Miami... its all like the good ol' days. The days before responsibility- the days before all the trouble at home- the anxiety- the stress...
I cant wait to hang out tonight. I know Im going to be so fucking tired but I want to push myself to stay awake having fun as much as I can, until i collapse.
What a deal! I purchased this dinnerware set from Dollar Tree online! Only $24 for 24 items... yup- $1 each! I picked them up today and they are simply gorgeous! They are a matte stoneware and are the perfect shade of blue to match my other items for the new apartment. The whole set comes with 8 plates, 8 bowls and 8 cups (mugs rather). So fucking cute.
I have them in my car right now in the big ol' dusty box they come in....... I feel the urge to constantly go outside and stare at them. It reminds me of when I was little and my mother would buy me all new back to school stuff and it made me just so happy! I would admire all the new folders and pencils from afar and couldnt wait to use them!
You can take kid out of the country but you can't take the country out of the kid... or is your theme "you can take the kid out of the city, but you can't take the city out of the kid?" Either way you play it, you are one of the unique individuals who loves a mix of modern and country. The clean lines of the modern softened by rustic /vintage elements is the perfect mix in your mind. And can we blame you? You've taken the best aspects of two popular designs and mixed them in a manner that appeals young and old alike. A subtle background of white or light colors provides a nice canvas for all the wonderful flea market, eBay or garage sale finds as well as the classic modern pieces that you love.
The material palette for urban country runs the gamut because of the two extremes being mixed. On the countryside you see a lot of wood, woven rope, canvas and linen, rustic metals and wrought iron, cowhide and vintage leather. On the more modern side, you see acrylic, satin and polished nickel and chrome, glass, faux fur, refined leather, fiberglass and sleek woods. It's the mixing of these elements that makes the style work so well. Seagrass and other natural woven materials are often used for floor coverings. Concrete and natural wood floors are very popular, and work really well together.
When it comes to color, think light, casual and airy. White, pale gray or beige, khaki and sage; all of these colors make nice, subtle backdrops for Urban Country style. Think of the colors of natural linen, concrete, and if you'd like to go dark, use the dark brownish-black of iron or the deep burnt orange of rust. The key is to keep the spaces feeling open (go modern!) and yet warm (yay for rustic!), and by going light on the walls and major pieces and more color on the accents and accessories you can achieve this mix really well.
umm... YES! I will definitely use this website to my advantage for the new apartment.
Oh yea, almost forgot to tell you... This morning.. Jon and I set up a joint checking account. Responsible? Nah....
Nasturtiums are supposed to be very easy to grow- but I have tried and tried and now have finally had two of them started! Maybe its that damn Miami weather again. The picture to my left here is of one of them finally growing strawberry colander. To the left of that- a thyme cutting that is doing very well! To the right- a couple of sunflower seeds, just thrown i there for kicks: Must transplant.
----IN CEE CEE NEWS---- The vet just called and said that when he opened her up, both glands "looked" normal and so he didnt want to remove either. In most cases, he says, the cancerous gland will be enlarged and the other gland (from not being in use) will atrophy and so appear smaller. Thats how vets know which one to remove. Cee Cee's glands we both the same size. He went perusing the other organs and such and found an abnormal tissue growth, and so removed that and sent it out to a lab to see just what the hell it is... Great.
I mean, Im happy shes not dead or having complications- but shit. Im paying $880.02 just to remove a small piece of tissue that could be nothing at all? The glands are still there and so if the problem is her glands.. Im sure this will mean another surgery in the future. Fuck me. Im nervous to even see her in such a shaved, stiched up, painful state. My mother is picking her up tomorrow after work and she will be living in my sisters room for the time being. Poor thing.
Through all of this shit, I had a couple of happy moments this morning in the garden..
Check out how big my stevia plant is! Had something munching on its lower leaves so I transplanted it to this lovely planter I recently purchased. :)
Welcome to the ferret party. Last night I decided to fill the tub up a bit with some warm water and some ferret shampoo (for the bubbles and whatnot) and let them have a bit of fun. It was a great time had by all. More pictures of said event are available on my myspace page.
Cant seem to shake the dread and uncertainty of Cee Cee's upcoming surgery on Thursday. But some good news at work today gave me something to look forward too. Looks like moving out will most likely be happening in September.
Tonight ladies and gentlmen, I am making Nigella's delicious vietnamese shrimp and glass noodle salad! I saw this recipe on youtube and fell in love (with the idea of it anyway) and Im really happy to try it out tonight for dinner. For the last 3 nights I have eaten a lot of fried food and a lot of beer. Instead of making me feel yummy- I feel crummy. (ya like that?! it rhymes) Ive been terribly fatigued lately and have been having headaches almost every minute of everyday. I think its a stress/bad eating/birth control pill combo. Triple threat!
Also: some... THING ate absolutely ALL of my carrot seedlings! ALL OF THE CARROT TOPS. This actually hurts my heart... :( Ive been so excited for them, and now theyre all gone. I planted s'more but Im scared they will have the same fate.
Note to self: Once every couple of weeks, I shall purchase fresh, delicious, organic (for the most part) items of nutrition (fruits and veg) from Norman Bros. Produce. I will make an effort. Try new things. Make everyday food exciting! ... All when I live on my own, that is. :P
Last night I found myself purchasing some goods for dinner at the local grocery store and since I was having such a fried fatty dinner I thought to myself- maybe they have some small frozen pie shells that I can throw together with some berries and make dinner a huge debauchery. I head on over to the frozen berry + pie area and as I'm skimming through the frozen blueberries, peaches, and strawberries... my eyes fall upon the illusive RHUBARB. Holy shit.
Embarrassing note: I literally gasped when I saw the damn thing. I wonder if anyone saw me? And if they did.. I wonder if they thought I was crazy for getting so damn excited over a frozen veg.
So I bought it. Yea I bought it. Delicious, illusive, beautiful, frozen, cold RHUBAARRBBB! :D I gotta tell you, every Jamie Oliver clip flashed before my very eyes. The "Rhubarb" chapter of my 'Jamie at home' book shall be used! USED AND ABUSED! I will bring delectable rhubarb to all the cubans down here in Miami who dont even know what the stuff is.
Damn.. after all of this.. I really hope I like the taste of it. O_O
So I think to start off, Im going to try this recipe. I choose this over the classic Jamie Oliver one because it uses a crumble topping instead of the traditional pie crust top. Its just easier to make and less headache for clean up at Jon's house.
Do you have any Rhubarb recipes you'd like to share? Please let me know.... Im feeling adventurous.
Isn't this some shit. This morning I was welcomed by a delicious paycheck and a phone call to a collection agency allowing me to settle my debt by September. Its an appropriate time to start looking for the apartment to be and looking at all of Nigella Lawson's delicious kitchen goodness for this said apartment. My head was full of the young, naive, amazement and wonder at all things 'possible' in my near future. Cue the unexpected phone call from my vet telling me that the final results came in for Cee Cee and that she does indeed have Adrenal Gland Disease. The surgery is going to be ridiculously expensensive and she will need hormone shots every 3 months that cost $87 each for the rest of her life. This is IF she survives the surgery. Turns out that there is a definite risk in removing the over acting gland because it is wrapped around a very important blood vessel. One knick and shes gone. :( My heart is broken. My wallet is broken. All illusions of grandeur are now recognized as such and who knows when I will even have the money to even BEGIN saving for the apartment. If all works out I will have another bill every 3 months for that damn shot that yeah- she will need for. the. rest. of. her. life.
Now, I have too much love in my skinny cuban body for animals and so if it means not moving out right away, then sucks. I will just have to deal with it. I will continue to dream about my future kitchen- filled with Jamie Oliver recipes and Nigella Lawson measuring cups and spoons and bowls and plates... I feel so down and out right now. My head is killing me.
Last night I was inspired by SeaSaltwithFood as usual and decided to make my take on this delicious garlic/ginger shrimp with broccoli dish for dinner. I especially wanted to do it because Jon has been fighting a cold all week and I wanted to give his belly the super good vitamins and nutrients that broccoli, ginger, and sure, shrimp had to offer. We're talking flavonoids, carotenoids, vitamin C, folate, and potassium (that help prevent heart disease), Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Selenium ( a powerful antioxidant that has been linked to a lower risk of certain cancers), and yea- B12 also. So you can imagine how delicious and good I felt about serving my fat man this delectible meal. Plus- both of us had leftovers for work today. :)
It was really easy to make. Check out seasaltwithfood for this recipe and more easy and scrumptios ones.
On another note: Today I am saddened by the mission that is eating Rhubarb. I have read about how delicious this fruity vegetable is, and you best believe me that Jamie Oliver has a whole butt-load of amazingly simple recipes for this delectable delight. Its usually paired with strawberries (which makes me very happy). I always thought- hey- even though I have never seen it in my local grocery store, Im sure that I can just grow the damn thing for myself. WRONG! Rhubarb takes an average temp of 40 degrees to live and prosper! :( Not even the inside of my house is that cold! Upon further research, I found that I just CANNOT be grown in florida (especially miami) NO MATTER WHAT, so get that damn idea outta your head pooka!!
I then proceeded to try and locate dealers on the inter web that would sell frozen rhubarb and I gotta say.. it all looked shady to me. Im sure I can find somewhere to get it online.... Im just worried about the flavor that it will have when it arrives :( Its going to have to be frozen, and what if its just some dude who harvested it whenever and had it sitting in his freezer forever? Ahhh Rhubarb... you are a creul, creul delight. :(
Today the red coneflower finally bloomed! Becky (my little sister) send me some pictures of it! So pretty! I cant wait to see the garden tomorrow to see all of this in person :)
Just got these shoes at Target. I must say, I am quite impressed with their wide array of slip ons this summer. Im also very happy about this because that means I can wear them to work! Yay!
Ok, I have to admit something this morning... I have to get it off my chest.......... I am fighting the urge to buy more LIVE plants off of Ebay. Primarily vegetable plants. I dont know what it is, but I seem to just have the itch this morning... even though I just cannot spend anymore money!!! I bought two pairs of shoes this morning = $40. :(
Im supposed to be saving up for my apartment- WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO ME?!? I was told this morning by a co worker that I have a problem. Nope- I refuse. I can very much restrain myself.... O_O Maybe.
I had a dream last night that Jamie Oliver got into an arguement with me about tattoos and got very upset, and left me! For the rest of the dream I kept looking for him but alas, he was gone... forever. :( My heart broke! I think I shall peruse JamieOliver.com this afternoon to get myself back in order.
..... I do however have one pepper plant that has died... And so, I could most definitely plant something in its place.... maybe another pepper variety? Maybe some more tomatoes?! WHAT SHOULD I PLANT?! There are just so many options.... Look at those babies I just found on Ebay! Under $20 with shipping and I would get FOUR live plants.. Man oh Man.. I think Im going to call Gaby before I do something I will regret.
Hope your day goes well, whoever you are.. reading this. :)
Hey guys, just set up my flickr page.. just uploaded some pics from the garden- Hope to update it often. Well, just as often as I update this blog I suppose. That image there to the right was taken this morning- and its a little something I threw together yesterday :) Bottom right is my red coneflower plant, mint to the middle left, and that big ol barrel on top has three more echinacea plants as well as some morning glories planted in the back there. Cant wait to see them climb all over the old chair there.
This guy over yonder is my zucchini plant! My only one left! I had another one that was doing well, but as soon as its first blossom came out, something ate it all up in a days notice! What could eat so fast?!
I planted more on sunday... two more to be exact.... We will see what happens...
Check out its lovely blossoms to be! There are so many of them clustered together! The plant is just so healthy that I hope it stays this way forever! (I hope I dont jinx it.. :F)
Holy crap! I almost forgot... I planted some Cucumber seeds as well.... I just had them lying around and I just kinda got crazy with it. I hope they do well- Ive never grown them before. If I could take back time, I would grow Mexican Sour Gherkins! I just recently found out about them and was ALMOST tempted to order them as well. (I held back, alright!) So im growing some regular ass cucumbers- I think theyre english cucumbers. Seeds are softer and less frequent in this variety. I will leave you with one more picture........
Just purchased some sunflower seeds from Seed Savers! I know, i know- there was supposed to be no more purchasing of any kind of seed..... Sunflowers are just so damn easy to grow and look at these varieties! Also, two out of the three I bought are Organic! I know it doesnt really make much difference but I like knowing that they are Au Natural. :) I cant wait to attract all sorts of attention (animal, insect, or otherwise) by planting these lovelies all over my property!!! :D
GABY: I must share the wealth! I will probably start them all in newspaper pots and then I will leave them at your doorstep like I did the zucchini... buhwhahaa
PS: Where them Four O' Clocks be at? You've got me all curious about the smell....
Tattooer working at Ocho Placas Tattoo Company in Miami, FL. If interested in booking an appointment, please call (305) 264-0888 or email me at pookamachine@yahoo.com - Thank you!